Lowell Burmese Community Photograph Collection, 1996-2016
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Lowell Burmese Community Photograph Collection, 1996-2016
Lowell community members from the country formerly known as Burma (present day Myanmar) representing the ethnic groups: Karenni, Karen, Kachin, and Bamar Muslim, donated scanned copies of personal print color photographs as well as digital photographs ranging from 1996–2016. Photographic subjects include family portraits, photographs of everyday life in refugee camps in Thailand and Malaysia, and Burmese cultural celebrations in both Burma and the United States. This collection also includes documents such as waivers, deeds of gift, and descriptions of photographs written by participants.
These documents were collected by Sue Kim, Chrisna Khuon and Selena Tran on January 14, 2017 at the SayDaNar Community Development Center in Lowell, Massachusetts. The one-day event was developed after a meeting on September 2, 2016 when Sue Kim, Mehmed Ali and Bridget Cooley (two former University of Massachusetts Lowell staff) went to SayDaNar to discuss the goals of the Southeast Asian Digital Archive (SEADA), shared translated deeds of gift and demonstrated how to scan photographs.
Some items in the collection have been digitized.
View the collection finding aid for more information, https://libguides.uml.edu/uml3.
SEADA would like to thank Julia Huynh for their work in making this collection available online.
These documents were collected by Sue Kim, Chrisna Khuon and Selena Tran on January 14, 2017 at the SayDaNar Community Development Center in Lowell, Massachusetts. The one-day event was developed after a meeting on September 2, 2016 when Sue Kim, Mehmed Ali and Bridget Cooley (two former University of Massachusetts Lowell staff) went to SayDaNar to discuss the goals of the Southeast Asian Digital Archive (SEADA), shared translated deeds of gift and demonstrated how to scan photographs.
Some items in the collection have been digitized.
View the collection finding aid for more information, https://libguides.uml.edu/uml3.
SEADA would like to thank Julia Huynh for their work in making this collection available online.
SayDaNar Community Development Center
Burmese Americans
Color Photography
Photography of families
Refugees--Southeast Asia
Refugee camps--Thailand
Lowell Burmese Community Photograph Collection, 1996–2016. UML 3. Center for Lowell History, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA.
The collection finding aid, https://libguides.uml.edu/uml3.